you are now listening to <kono hoshi ni umareta> by B.B.A.
My gallery will include photographs as well as some cartoon and real-life sketches (obviously not done by me!). However, not all pictures are scanned in by myself, I got some of them from other sites too. (in that case, it will be specified either on the pic itself or in the captions)
next, PLEEEEEASE NOTE that my gallery
will not contain too many photos, coz I know that from experience,
it can be very boooring and tiiiiiring as well to go through
pages and pages of nothing else but plain photos *even though you are looking at your fave idols =)*.
SoOoO...I'm making an effort to put up only the nice pictures,
and I will also not include pictures which are too common that
you can find on almost every other relevant site. Lastly, just to
inform you that there will be new additions put up regularly
when I purchase my new magazines and scan in the pictures. So
remember to come often!
Thus, with that, pls eNjOy ~ ^_^ ~
Note: the pics may take quite a while to load, but PLS be patient coz it's definitely WORTH THE WAIT! :)
Aiba-chan looks so young, sweet and innocent here ne!
This is a really really nice picture - all 5 of them look so kakkoii and genki da, esp. Aiba-chan. But why does Matsujun look like he's closing one eye?
another nice photo of the 5 of them - Nino and Sho-kun looks amused.
* itadaki masu * that looks like raw beef to me... the red piece
a magazine article on A.RA.SHI
hee ~ Matsujun looks so cute here, with his new hairstyle...also, maybe he should consider this hair colour instead of the usual black with streaks of blond at the front !?
I think Nino and Sho-kun is the most photogenic in A.RA.SHI, they always look good no matter what they are doing!
the same magazine report as just now...Nino looks soooo cute ~!
Ohno looks like a little boy huh, the way he's squatting down. Looks like he's painting the scenery...hmm, which reminds me, he IS a good artist.
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