you are now listening to <can do can go> by yama-P
My gallery will include photographs as well as some cartoon and real-life sketches (obviously not done by me!). However, not all pictures are scanned in by myself, I got some of them from other sites too. (in that case, it will be specified either on the pic itself or in the captions)
next, PLEEEEEASE NOTE that my gallery
will not contain too many photos, coz I know that from experience,
it can be very boooring and tiiiiiring as well to go through
pages and pages of nothing else but plain photos *even though you are looking at your fave
idols =)*. SoOoO...I'm making an effort to put up only the nice
pictures, and I will also not include pictures which are too
common that you can find on almost every other relevant site.
Lastly, just to inform you that there will be new additions put up regularly
when I purchase my new magazines and scan in the pictures. So
remember to come often!
Thus, with that, pls eNjOy ~ ^_^ ~
Note: the pics may take quite a while to load, but PLS be patient coz it's definitely WORTH THE WAIT! :)
Takky's 18th birthday celebration!!! tanjyobi omedeto!!!
wow...yama-P looks so grown-up ne, except for that boyish face which still looks as sweet =)
*heh* just woken up is it? yamap always looks so good - even if he just got out of bed... *ohio*
hey, yama-P regains his young boyish looks again
i like this pic a lot, all of them looks so refreshed huh...? tsubasa looks sooo good, toma and yamap too. then, if you look at Takky and Ryo side by side, don't they just look like brothers?
this was taken when the ARASHI members were still in Johnny's eh
clockwise from top left: Tsubasa, Ryo, Takky, Toma, Yamap, Yuki, Yaracchi, Hasejun, ?, ?, ?, Yoko, Subaru and Hina (tsubasa-kun looks cho kakkoii!)
hina looks so sweet~ according to the rest of the juniors, Toma and Hina are the only 2 who possess the special quality - innocent, sweet, frank and sincere
the kansai jrs... subaru is so kawaii and he's always acting childish (but that's cute). that's also why he is always mistaken by many for being younger than his actually is - 19 'Y2K
this is nino and subaru in the drama <abunai hokago>. nino plays Natsuki Katsuyuki, a genius and a top scholar while subaru plays Tanaka Haru, nino's YOUNGER half-brother. (when in actual age nino is younger by 2 years)
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