you are now listening to <Can't take my eyes off of you> by Sho-kun
sorry to all Sho-fans, I couldn't get much information on him and Ohno-kun, even though he is my favourite.
Name Sakurai Sho Ä夫µ¾
Nickname Sakusho or Sho-kun
Birthday 25 January 1982
Zodiac Aquarius
Bloodtype A
Birthplace Tokyo
Height 169 cm
Weight 54 kg
Shoesize 25.5 cm
Pet a Golden Retriever
University Keio University
Listening to the radio and watching movies
Sports volleyball and soccer
Colours navy blue, beige and white
Food seafood pizza and bento
Food mushroom
* Sho-kun seems to be the smartest in A.RA.SHI, in the sense that he gets good results in school! *cheers* He excels in Japanese and Geography but does not do as well in Sciences.
* Though every member of A.RA.SHI dances extremely extremely well, I personally feel that Nino, Sho and Matsujun are better dancers. Matsujun just looks gifted, the way he dances, as if it all comes very naturally. Nino looks sloppy but has a very cool factor, while Sho just kinda make you want to say "neat!"
* Sho-kun does all the rap for their songs, and don't you think his voice is soooo nice?
* Coz of his cute set of teeth which resembles that of a squirrel, Sho has always been teased by the other members of A.RA.SHI
* Sho can be said to be the leader of A.RA.SHI. According to Nino, he is always calm and possesses leadership qualities! *yay* Others also go to him for advice.
* Sho knows a little of piano
* He is good in soccer too, but I wonder whether he can do lifting?!
* Wants to go to either New Zealand or Hawaii someday
* Classmates say that Sho doesn't smile in class, and when Sho got to know this, he laughed and said that he would like to ask who smiles when copying down notes in class...
* Likes the nature and the sea
* Joined Johnny jimusho in 1995
sorry again to Sho-fans coz I couldn't find info on the type of girls he likes *so sad*
zan nen datta ne ~watashi mo shiritai kara +++
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