you are now listening to <Sayonara> by Subaru
Name Shibutani Subaru
Nickname Subaru
Birthday 22 September 1981
Zodiac Virgo
Bloodtype O
Height 168 cm
Weight 40 kg
Shoe Size 25.5cm
Charm Point Eyes
Pet a female dog he has had since he was 11, named Nana
Pet phrase "ma ji de?" (means really?)
Motto "cannot lose to yourself"
No. of times he has fallen out of love 4
What he wears to sleep T-shirt and pants
Jobs he would like to try out to say <~ irrashaimase ~> at a fast food restaurant =) (btw, he has tried moving house for people!)
His Hero Doraemon
His Goal to conquer the world!!!
Shopping (this is also his speciality!)
Shopping Mall Osaka: Ame Mura, Tokyo: Harajuku or Shitakitasawakinhen
Sports shonen baseball, soccer
Colours the original colour, red, blue and pakkirishita colours
Plant wild grass, coz they have a strong will to live - they can grow anywhere
Food yakiniku
Sportsman Nakata Hidetoshi (soccer) - Subaru thinks that he's kakkoii
Magazine Fashion Magazines
Artiste Dragon Ash
TV watches quite a lot of TOKIO's variety programs, but he still likes <Za! Tetsuude! DASH!> better
Food okonomi-yaki, unagi
Animal insects
Colours all luminous colours
* Subaru-chan is scared of insects ~
* He is afraid of the cold too
* Has a habit of brushing his teeth before a LIVE performance
* Thinks that he most resembles a monkey (in terms of behaviour, I guess)
* Bathing Habits: once in the morning and once at night, 1hour each (that's!) Starts with his face then gets down to left arm and right arm, body and lastly the legs. (hee, magazines actually ask him such questions in the interview?!?!)
* Last thing he does before he nods off at night is to set his alarm clock for the next day
* Doesn't like to lose to others, esp in singing
* Does not care about fashion brands
* Owns 15 - 16 pairs of jeans
* Has countless piercings on his body
* Wears and owns many pairs of boxer pants
* Likes to keep changing his hairstyle
* He treasures the people around him very much
* Subaru claims that he will never ever cry in front of other people
* At the moment, he wants a full-length mirror for dance practices and for checking himself out before going out
* First thing he notices about girls are their legs, coz he claims to be so shy that he looks down all the time
* He has never written a love letter before *hee*
* Likes working (refers to his singing and acting career I guess)
* If he wasn't a Johnny's Jr, Subaru said that he would be singing live on the streets. he thinks that's cool.
* Likes to soy sauce in his food
* He wants to be able to go to Hawaii someday
* Type of girl he likes
- Wishes his girlfriend would believe in him and not hide anything from him
* Dating
- Right now, he wants to go to the beach, and it doesn't matter to him that it isn't just the 2 of them
- Likes the feeling of driving towards the setting sun (kimochi ii)
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