you are now listening to <kimi rashisa> by Takky
Name Takizawa Hideaki
Nickname Takky
Birthday 29 March 1982
Birth place Tokyo
Bloodtype A
Height 167 cm
Weight 50 kg
Shoe Size 26cm
Charm Point Cheerful
Going out with Yamapi (seems that Yamapi is very precious to Takky)
Sports wrestling and surfing
Colour pink
Season summer
* It is said that Takky has good leadership qualities, that's why he's the leader of Johnny's Juniors! (of course, it's also because he's probably the most popular in JJ)
* Though he isn't the oldest, many will go to him for advice, and it seems that he is always glad to lend a listening ear
* Takky's dream is to be in a band
* Type of girl he likes
- Cheerful girl to bring joy!!! =)
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