you are now listening to <Midnight Train> by MAIN
Name Ikuta Toma
Nickname Toma
Birthday 7 October 1984
Birth place Hokkaido
Bloodtype A
Height 165 cm
Weight 52kg
Shoe Size 26.5cm
Charm Point cute and true
Food cheese and hamburger
Sports soccer, basketball
Colour black and white
Band GLAY (they are also from Hokkaido ne)
Season summer
Subject Maths (he must be very smart ^_^)
* His admires Domoto Tsuyoshi from Kinki Kids and hopes to be able to dance as well as him (well, I think Toma dances very well presently ~)
* Toma is, according to other members of the Johnny's Jr, a very frank guy, in the sense that he is very sincere with people and very genuine, not hypocritical at all
* He may be quite talkative but that's what makes him all the more cuter!!! =)
* However, he becomes shy and reserved when he meets someone for the first time
* Toma is good in dance and gym
* His strong point lies in his ability to rouse the mood during a discussion and to lift everyone's spirits up!
* Made his debut in June, 1996
* Type of girl he likes
- just be herself
- one who is interesting to be with
- one who isn't overly conscious about her looks and fashion
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